
Check yourself before you wreck yourself.
Link 3:08 p.m. May 31, 2023, UTC-7

Apple should replace the brightness up/down and volume up down buttons with spinning wheels or physical sliders
Link 2:07 p.m. May 31, 2023, UTC-7

I'm so confused my guy
Link 10:00 a.m. May 31, 2023, UTC-7

It's basically already over. I'm basically already everything that I don't want to be.
Link 2:57 p.m. May 30, 2023, UTC-7

Jack Antonoff’s resume is something else. Fun., Bleachers, T-Swift, Lana Del Rey, the 1975, Lorde, etc.
Link 12:32 p.m. May 30, 2023, UTC-7

Good morning
Link 6:27 a.m. May 30, 2023, UTC-7

JS ES5 y-combinator or something
``` ((function (concat) { return function (a, b) { return concat(a, b, concat); }; })(function (a, b, concat) { if (b.length === 0) { return a; } a.push(b[0]); return concat(a, b.slice(1), concat); }))([2, 0], [2, 3]).join(""); ```
Link 11:39 a.m. May 29, 2023, UTC-7

Why won't other people let me fix their problems?
Link 10:00 a.m. May 29, 2023, UTC-7

I'm already insane.
Link 9:59 a.m. May 29, 2023, UTC-7

It is one of those days where I don’t feel like a real person.
Link 9:16 a.m. May 29, 2023, UTC-7

We should bring back Air Guitar
Link 9:33 p.m. May 28, 2023, UTC-7

I tried to use this guy’s gas-price-cost calculator, but the gas-price input was a slider with a max of 5. Let me type in a number please,
and gas is costing me $5.29/gal help
Link 6:54 p.m. May 28, 2023, UTC-7

Some bands, like U2, are in no hurry. Their songs feel very intentional. And that makes them timeless. Other bands, like AJR, feel hurried.
Link 12:56 p.m. May 28, 2023, UTC-7

Arguing with HackerNews users about Gemini again 😳
Link 10:25 a.m. May 28, 2023, UTC-7

The Count is a little like Batman, but Bruce Wayne was rich before his parents was murdered. Dante was well-off before he was imprisoned,
but he wasn’t rich. He could have chosen to go back to that lifestyle after he left prison, but he didn’t. He became super rich, not because he valued money, but because he needed to be super rich in order to compete at the same level of the people that he was trying to get revenge on. The dramatic irony of The Count pulling a straight face with Villeforte is that The Count’s wealth, and lifestyle, and life, is a sham to get his revenge.
Link 6:54 p.m. May 27, 2023, UTC-7

Imagine a Count of Monte Cristo adaptation where The Count is imprisoned for a legitimate mistake, but he goes insane in prison and
imagines a conspiracy against him. When he escapes, he punishes Villeforte and the others for their imagined crimes. It's shown that Villeforte and the others are not good people and probably deserve what's coming to them, but they weren't the ones who threw The Count in jail.
Link 6:38 p.m. May 27, 2023, UTC-7

Aahhah *squeals* I love The Count of Monte Cristo too much.
There was a post about Inigo Montoya, and as he's fighting the 6-fingered man, he offers him money and power, and Inigo says "I want my father back" before stabbing him. From the comments on the post, > you know because this is a happy book (film) that Inigo will get his revenge, but will he get justice? Will he get absolution? Will he get catharsis? Those are the things we don't know and that line sells it more than any of the previous scenes. And this is The Count. The Count is such a powerful, almost perfect, person, that he's going to get what he wants. It's cheesy how smart and strong and rich and powerful The Count is. The Count has everything that everyone else wants, but he doesn't want it! The Count is rich, and he knows it, and he knows that it doesn't matter. The Count wants the last 20 years of his father's life back. (Dante's father starved to death shortly before Dante would have been able to re-unite to him, because Dante wasn't there to provide for him.) That's why The Count works as a character despite being cheesy and overpowered, is because he's having to settle for revenge.
Link 6:35 p.m. May 27, 2023, UTC-7

The opening to Rush and Levitate are very similar.
Link 3:54 p.m. May 27, 2023, UTC-7

I'm wondering if I have a medical condition.
Link 1:32 p.m. May 27, 2023, UTC-7

ChatGTP can generate code that matches one requirement, but when I added another requirement, it introduced a bug.
Link 1:29 p.m. May 27, 2023, UTC-7

There have been fewer jokes this year about how bad the current year is. So that's good.
Link 11:38 a.m. May 27, 2023, UTC-7

"I don't enter my name in because that's how they get you."
Link 9:19 a.m. May 27, 2023, UTC-7

I want to talk to the person that implemented the algorithm that macOS uses to spread out and display all open windows.
Link 7:43 a.m. May 27, 2023, UTC-7

Good morning.
Saw a post claiming CS doesn't make that much money anymore. Like baby how much money do you want.
Link 7:41 a.m. May 27, 2023, UTC-7

Sometimes you don't feel like doing anything because you're actually just mentally done and you can't do anything. But other times:
* You're thirsty, hungry, hot, or cold * You're tired and should actually sleep * You're making the problem more difficult than it needs to be * You have the energy to be doing something, just not the thing you're trying to do (e.g. sometimes I have the energy to fold laundry and sometimes I have the energy to write code, but they're different types of energy so I rarely have both at the same time) It's important to realize that in none of these cases, including the one where you're mentally dead, is the solution to push through it and work anyways. It's also important to note that doom-scrolling actively prevents you from noticing other issues.
Link 4:06 p.m. May 26, 2023, UTC-7

Pro tip for Men: Women have claimed purple and pink, but there are some nice shades of magenta you can use and still be manly.
Link 2:16 p.m. May 26, 2023, UTC-7

Fun fact, if you don't have a desktop picture set, macOS will make your desktop #527EB9, which is a pretty nice color.
Link 1:22 p.m. May 26, 2023, UTC-7

Maybe I should stop looking inwards and spend more time looking outwards.
Link 12:21 p.m. May 26, 2023, UTC-7

My mind is scrambled eggs.
Link 12:21 p.m. May 26, 2023, UTC-7

I went insane in 2009. Hm Hmmmm I'm bored of the word "insane."
Maybe I'll continue the "my mind is" anaphora series. The "my mind is" anaphora series, which I last updated Jan 12, 2021: My mind is like oatmeal, a mush My mind is like a vuvuzela My mind is like a peanut and butter jelly sandwich, the least substantial real meal possible My mind is like a pile of sand, falling over but very slowly My mind is like a crescent wrench, and my problems are like a screw My mind is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you’re going to get, but probably chocolate My mind is like a pineapple, spiky on the outside and tastes bad on the inside My mind is like a downward staircase My mind is like a soda, mostly waters but with bubbles My mind is like a steel trap and my thoughts are like water running through it My mind is a little like a maraca My mind is like a washing machine, spinning
Link 12:21 p.m. May 26, 2023, UTC-7

You have to imagine a better future before you can create a better future.
Link 8:56 p.m. May 25, 2023, UTC-7

Good morning.
Link 6:12 p.m. May 25, 2023, UTC-7

We should bring back the passion with which people in 1800 discussed the quality of the air in different places, if not the discussions
Link 6:05 p.m. May 25, 2023, UTC-7

If you create a list of all infinitely many numbers which are rational but which have an infinite base-10 representation and are between 0
and 1, and then you preformed diagonalization on them, what would you get?
Link 3:54 p.m. May 25, 2023, UTC-7

Link 3:40 p.m. May 25, 2023, UTC-7

The Count of Monte Cristo is basically a Sherlock Holmes villain.
Link 9:12 a.m. May 25, 2023, UTC-7

Every other tech company: We have also created the Torment Nexus!
Link 9:52 p.m. May 24, 2023, UTC-7

A short explanation of the phrase "tomato party."
Basically, I don't like tomatoes. There are pretty much no foods which I enjoy which include tomatoes. So if a group of my friends had a party dedicated to wearing tomato themed costumes, and talking about how much they loved tomatoes, and, of course, eating a lot of tomato-based foods, I probably wouldn't go. This has never happened to me, but it feels like it with almost every social situation. It's just kind of a miserable hypothetical, but it's no one's fault, no one's to blame, nothing's gone wrong. I don't know. If I end up seeing a therapist for social anxiety, this will definitely come up.
Link 2:36 p.m. May 24, 2023, UTC-7

A scrapped draft from a project I'm working on
It is difficult to discuss functional programming in the context of JS and Lisp, since neither are purely functional or purely imperative. (Assembly is purely imperative) Normal JavaScript code consists of a list of statements. This is called "imperative programming," since your program consists of a list of commands. [doSomething(); \n doSomethingElse(); \n rect(200, 200, 50, 50); \n // etc] In imperative programing, you have functions, but functions are often just more lists of commands. ``` var drawDog = function () { ellipse(); drawSomething(); } drawDog(); ``` Functional programming is a programming style that focuses on function's ability to take input and return a value. This is a lot closer to a mathematician's idea of a function. So rather than describing a list of commands, you define a series of functions that manipulate their inputs and return new outputs. In functional programming, you try to avoid writing functions that "mutate global state." Basically, a function's only job should be returning a calculated value. An example of mutating global state would be changing the appearance of the canvas, or changing the value of a variable which was declared outside the function. These are, of course, things that you do in Javascript all the time.
Link 11:11 a.m. May 24, 2023, UTC-7

I own an absurd number of T-shirts. Maybe 60, if I had to guess?
Link 9:08 a.m. May 24, 2023, UTC-7

Also I'm hungry.
Link 8:46 a.m. May 24, 2023, UTC-7

I am going to explode. I am so mean and I judge everyone so harshly. I cannot imagine that other people are not doing that to me.
Link 8:45 a.m. May 24, 2023, UTC-7

The Xi editor has been maintenance-only for a couple years now, but for some reason the xi Zulip room is popping off. It's turned into
a hub for discussing building GUI projects with Rust. =>
Link 8:27 a.m. May 24, 2023, UTC-7

I wish psychology was like 180 years further along. At some point we're going to figure out what autism and ADHD are, right?
Link 7:59 a.m. May 24, 2023, UTC-7

Seethe and cope atheists. =>
Link 6:27 p.m. May 23, 2023, UTC-7

I miss my chair.
Link 5:14 p.m. May 23, 2023, UTC-7

The comparison between *The Count* and *Emma* must be made. The stakes in *The Count* are much lower. The Count’s future is already
decided, he wants only revenge. Emma is playing for the future lives of herself and several other characters.
Link 10:34 a.m. May 23, 2023, UTC-5

“I don’t think DeSantis is conservative in how he legislates, and Donald Trump is Donald Trump…”
Okay yeah that’s based
Link 10:07 a.m. May 23, 2023, UTC-5

Reading *Emma* is going to drive me insane.
Link 9:06 a.m. May 23, 2023, UTC-5

React converts a `onChange` in JSX to an `input` event listener.
Link 9:41 p.m. May 22, 2023, UTC-4

Link 3:44 p.m. May 22, 2023, UTC-4

Checking “Wake Up” off of my TODO list.
Link 7:32 a.m. May 22, 2023, UTC-4

"And yet your heavenly Father feeds them" "And yet your heavenly Father feeds them" "And yet your heavenly Father feeds them"
"And yet your heavenly Father feeds them"
Link 10:19 p.m. May 21, 2023, UTC-4

"Sometimes I wish that I could wish it all away."
Link 10:18 p.m. May 21, 2023, UTC-4

The problem with CS is that it's too easy to make things modular. In plumbing, you're working with these standardized composable units, the
pieces of pipe. And you have different options and you can combine them in different ways, but the building blocks are well defined. In programming, that building blocks are not well defined. Every project, you have to first choose your building blocks, possibly creating your own new building blocks, before you can put them together. The plumber has to choose the material and radius of the pipe, but that's about it. To stretch the metaphor, the programmer has to choose the pipe material, and shape, and whether there's going to be an integrated internet connection in the pipe. The plumber doesn't have to worry if it would be more efficient to run Ethernet along the same path as the pipes, because that's not really an option. I feel like programmers, or at least I, spend a lot of time trying to figure out the best way to create these modules. If I could just create a perfect set of building blocks, or of modules, or functions, then all future programs wouldn't have to re-invent them, they would be able to just compose this perfect standard library of functions into every possible program. Then programming would be like plumbing, because you wouldn't be writing your own classes or utility functions, you would just be writing the application-unique logic. What this view misses, is that plumbing is made up of connecting segments of PVC pipe because it has to be. If it were feasible to machine your own shapes of PVC pipe for every project, that's what plumbers would do. This is no perfect set of standard library functions that make every project possible, because there is no clearly defined boundary between where the utility functions end and the project-specific code begins. Unlike in plumbing, where that line is very clearly defined. The factory produces sections of pipe, and the plumber doesn't have any other options.
Link 9:43 p.m. May 21, 2023, UTC-4

One of these days I'm going to have the courage to cut the past.
Link 9:24 p.m. May 21, 2023, UTC-4

Are you ready? (Wreck)
Link 9:01 a.m. May 21, 2023, UTC-4

The people over at Pillsbury are doing some great work. Bread rolled up and put in cans was a good idea.
Link 8:40 a.m. May 21, 2023, UTC-4

I haven’t died yet.
Link 7:56 a.m. May 21, 2023, UTC-4

“Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise Thou mine inheritance, now and always
Thou and Thou only, be first in my heart High King of heaven, my treasure Thou art”
Link 10:04 p.m. May 20, 2023, UTC-4

Oh my word.
Link 3:43 p.m. May 20, 2023, UTC-4

I'm still not over "cisheteronormativity." What a word.
Link 9:56 p.m. May 19, 2023, UTC-4

Good morning.
Link 9:55 p.m. May 19, 2023, UTC-4

Karl-Heinz Adler's line artwork is really beautiful.
Link 2:44 p.m. May 19, 2023, UTC-4

Oh no. Going insane.
Link 2:24 p.m. May 19, 2023, UTC-4

I have a nasty bruise on the bottom of my foot. I don’t remember where it came from and it mostly isn’t bothering me, but man. It looks like
it needs to be amputated.
Link 5:53 p.m. May 18, 2023, UTC-4

I don't know guys, I don't know if I can make it.
Link 9:33 a.m. May 18, 2023, UTC-4

I think we overused "shy" for a while, but now we underutilize it.
Anyways maybe I don't have social anxiety, maybe I'm just shy.
Link 6:31 p.m. May 17, 2023, UTC-4

This Thought posted from a device running Android 7
Link 5:56 p.m. May 17, 2023, UTC-4

The art of Karl-Heinz Adler is breathtaking.
Link 8:49 a.m. May 17, 2023, UTC-4

They haven't killed me yet.
Link 2:40 p.m. May 16, 2023, UTC-4

Oh my word.
Link 1:53 p.m. May 16, 2023, UTC-4

OMG 2's day.
Link 8:48 a.m. May 16, 2023, UTC-4

Why do today what you could put off until tomorrow.
Link 8:07 p.m. May 15, 2023, UTC-4

I've looked at this picture like 14 times and every time I start laughing.
The text "MCYTBLR AU FEST / DISCORD OPEN" over an aesthetic picture of a gothic? arched walkway.
Link 2:00 p.m. May 15, 2023, UTC-4

The idea of Lisp on Khan Academy has become an obsession for me.
Link 10:27 p.m. May 14, 2023, UTC-4

My toxic coping mechanism is making user-hostile changes to Thoughts-learnerpages
Link 9:03 p.m. May 14, 2023, UTC-4

Okay I'm sorry but it has to be done.
Link 8:37 p.m. May 14, 2023, UTC-4

It's truly an awful day for people named Matthias.
The Joker is about how people with mental issues who try to ignore them, rather than properly addressing them, drive themselves further into insanity. And so also me.
Link 5:03 p.m. May 14, 2023, UTC-4

I died back in ‘09.
Link 4:53 p.m. May 14, 2023, UTC-4

1006 ELO
Link 7:06 p.m. May 13, 2023, UTC-4

I have to induct children into the cult of functional programming.
Link 2:18 p.m. May 13, 2023, UTC-4

One of these days someone is going to film me in public and I'm going to end up on TikTok.
Link 9:42 a.m. May 13, 2023, UTC-4

"if I have be bigger and stronger than something in order to feel whole, then I will be bigger than loneliness and stronger than shame."
Another home run from /r/LibraryOfBabel.
"How can I be better than everyone in the room without hurting anyone? Because hurting anyone closes doors and I crave freedom. I need to find the people who don't **** me off, and I need to be special. What is special? What is rare? How do I twist myself into a shape humans can tolerate? Oh, idea. I can accept them. I can tell them I think I know what's best for them and then allow them to tell me what it is anyway. I can show them a kind of support and understanding that is very hard to find anywhere on earth because I know what it's like to have the howling void of insecurity inside me and I have the gift of narcissism making me feel like a brilliant star in the center of it, disintegrating anything, origin of creation, all and nothing and the magnificence of the universe. I can take someone's hand when they reach out and lift them up in the manner they choose and assist them in thriving after trauma has punched out the ground beneath their feet. I have no pretense of being a therapist but if I am going to be the best of something I will be the best friend and the best at choosing my friends and I will love rapaciously and unhesitantly anyone I can, since that list is very small. And the difficulty I face in doing so will fuel that star as long as I keep letting it guide me because there is little more you can do to boost your own ego than humble a narc even if it's you I am very good at playing this game called Empathize and Support and if I can't make my own humility then storebought is just going to have to do. If I have to beat something, if I have to win at something, if I have be bigger and stronger than something in order to feel whole, then I will be bigger than loneliness and stronger than shame. I will take them as they are and embrace them, and I will fly my flag beneath theirs because my humility is hard won and therefore worthy of praise, and therefore so am I.
Link 11:34 p.m. May 12, 2023, UTC-4

Oh no
Link 3:53 p.m. May 12, 2023, UTC-4

Everything makes me think of her (food).
Link 12:14 p.m. May 12, 2023, UTC-4

Just never stop moving forward.
Link 10:18 a.m. May 12, 2023, UTC-4

I don’t know ladies.
Link 9:12 a.m. May 12, 2023, UTC-4

"Old, but I'm not that old / Young, but I'm not that bold / And I don't think the world is sold / On just doing what we're told."
Link 8:54 a.m. May 12, 2023, UTC-4

"But you gotta get an education, can you take the pressure? / Well you better / Or it's over."
-Student Loans, AJR
Link 8:45 a.m. May 12, 2023, UTC-4

Communist subreddit: Rule 2: "This is a space for all leftists." Rule 3: 'Rule 2 does not apply to liberals.'
Link 10:36 p.m. May 11, 2023, UTC-4

To the person at Aurora University who put a "Good Luck" note in this book, I love you.
Link 8:51 p.m. May 11, 2023, UTC-4

I am going insane.
Link 7:59 p.m. May 11, 2023, UTC-4

"Shotgun Betty"
Link 4:50 p.m. May 11, 2023, UTC-4

I want to have boring conversations with other white people but instead I sit here alone.
Link 1:44 p.m. May 11, 2023, UTC-4

What is that? What is that? What happened here? What is that?
Link 10:18 a.m. May 11, 2023, UTC-4

Oh my word. My nose is going to explode. The question is whether we need to tuck our shirts into our pants anymore.
Link 10:16 a.m. May 11, 2023, UTC-4

I’m okay. Let’s keep going.
Link 2:58 p.m. May 10, 2023, UTC-4

I might be okay, who knows.
Link 11:35 a.m. May 10, 2023, UTC-4

Link 10:05 p.m. May 09, 2023, UTC-4

I have escaped
Link 5:08 p.m. May 09, 2023, UTC-4

I love drugs. I want to leave this closet it's hot in here. Ahhhhahhh
Link 5:01 p.m. May 09, 2023, UTC-4

Maybe I'll fall sleep here in the closet.
Link 4:54 p.m. May 09, 2023, UTC-4

Help my system 2 has locked me in my closet.
Link 4:45 p.m. May 09, 2023, UTC-4

I'm unnecessarily reductive.
Link 4:37 p.m. May 09, 2023, UTC-4

I wish that I were walking down a slope.
Link 4:29 p.m. May 09, 2023, UTC-4

Oh my word, I'm still alive.
Link 4:21 p.m. May 09, 2023, UTC-4

Wow gosh frick
Link 1:50 p.m. May 09, 2023, UTC-4

I went insane
Link 12:21 p.m. May 09, 2023, UTC-4

“Pompeii” is really a timeless song. “If you close your eyes…”
Link 11:37 a.m. May 09, 2023, UTC-4

Good morning.
Link 7:37 a.m. May 09, 2023, UTC-4

“React kind of reminds me of English. It is ubiquitous for reasons that essentially boil down to imperialism.”
Edit: I've removed my commentary, because I think the quote really stands for itself. To clarify, it is referring to the React web framework.
Link 6:23 p.m. May 08, 2023, UTC-4

Frick, now I'm stressed.
Link 4:53 p.m. May 08, 2023, UTC-4

I'm not stressed; I wish other people would stop being stressed.
Link 4:48 p.m. May 08, 2023, UTC-4

What if you had a programming language where you wrote it in a short-form, syntax sugar'ed syntax, but then it output a human-readable
verbose AST, which was the canonical, maintained version of the code? So you'd like, write the code, it would get compiled to this IR, and then you'd delete the original and check the IR into version control. Someone else can then take the IR on their computer, read it, decompile it into the shortened form, edit it, update the IR, etc. If you were unhappy with the generated IR, you could edit it by hand. The challenge is creating an IR that is simultaneously explicit and verbose, and yet still readable. The problem is that this is addressing a strawman. Concise code that relies on implicit behaviors is oftentimes easier to read than more verbose and explicit code.
Link 4:41 p.m. May 08, 2023, UTC-4

Okay, I’m bored of penis jokes. All the penis jokes have been made, there shouldn’t be any more.
Link 4:00 p.m. May 08, 2023, UTC-4

stressed unstressed stressed unstressed stressed
Link 3:10 p.m. May 08, 2023, UTC-4

I impulse-purchased “Paper Towel Wipes” at the store today. I’m still not sure what they are.
Link 1:22 p.m. May 08, 2023, UTC-4

Lemonade is like a drug to me
Link 1:17 p.m. May 08, 2023, UTC-4

I can’t believe the yield curve is inverted.
Link 1:01 p.m. May 08, 2023, UTC-4

I am Matthias. I am tired.
Link 12:50 p.m. May 08, 2023, UTC-4

You should be able to commit a shower.
Link 12:08 p.m. May 08, 2023, UTC-4

I just love spending money so much
Link 10:58 a.m. May 08, 2023, UTC-4

Every morning I wake up and a gallon of water comes out of my nose.
Link 8:13 a.m. May 08, 2023, UTC-4

I need to not spend any time on the internet today. I need to process a little bit, you know. I watched like 4 episodes of game charger last
Link 8:13 a.m. May 08, 2023, UTC-4

The thing to understand is that doing something that you don’t like doesn’t cause you to like it more, but the decision to do it becomes
Link 7:51 a.m. May 08, 2023, UTC-4

Is there a difference between torture and social interaction?
Link 9:53 a.m. May 07, 2023, UTC-4

Not to be a feminist or an incel, but maybe a woman could ask me on a date.
I’m not afraid of rejection, at least that’s not my main concern. On the contrary, my concern is that I’ll want to back out of the relationship. Men are just expected to know what we want in a girlfriend. And, I mean, I want to be that type of person. I want to be decisive, I want to be able to commit. But that commitment really scares me because then if <something> and I break up with her, I would feel bad.
Link 12:44 a.m. May 07, 2023, UTC-4

Tomorrow is going to be something but I’m not sure what. Maybe it will also be nothing, who knows.
Link 12:23 a.m. May 07, 2023, UTC-4

> He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new! Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true:"
> “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life."
Link 11:43 p.m. May 06, 2023, UTC-4

Today has felt so long. Wow.
Link 11:24 p.m. May 06, 2023, UTC-4

Why did I buy PLTR? What was I actually thinking? This is the problem with investment, waaay too long of a feedback loop.
Edit: I just realized that this is tempered by the fact that PLTR is a cheap stock, so I don't actually have any significant investment in PLTR.
Link 10:38 p.m. May 06, 2023, UTC-4

At some point I need to sit down and unpack all the creepy thoughts in my head and see if I can figure out where they come from.
Link 9:05 p.m. May 06, 2023, UTC-4

The thing to understand is that Christians are still salty about scientists switching to "CE" and "BCE."
I kind of want to delete the next paragraph, since it's just me ranting, but that's the point of this website. I okay I literally have watched one video from that one YouTube channel, and it was about how dumb it was that our year system was based on a religious event, and they somehow stretched it into a long video and proposed moving the 0 year back like 20,000, and still can't tell if they were making a serious argument or if they were just ranting and I was supposed to enjoy them complaining about the 0-date being where it is. Anyways I have never watched another YouTube video from them, and I don't feel like I'm missing out.
Link 8:58 p.m. May 06, 2023, UTC-4

Daydreaming about a Roran movie
Link 5:38 p.m. May 06, 2023, UTC-4

What if you put nuts in mac and cheese?
Link 3:06 p.m. May 06, 2023, UTC-4

If God had wanted us to dry dishes by hand he would not have invented evaporation.
Link 2:29 p.m. May 06, 2023, UTC-4

I kind of hate how you have to get rid of stuff to have more space. The mechanic just feels boring.
Link 9:39 p.m. May 05, 2023, UTC-4

Executive dysfunction finally allowed me to start the laundry, which is annoying, since I'm going to end up going to bed
Link 9:38 p.m. May 05, 2023, UTC-4

◯ circle website ◯
Link 8:44 p.m. May 05, 2023, UTC-4

I'm not a big fan of faces in artwork. I feel like most of the time your artwork doesn't need to look at me.
Link 8:14 p.m. May 05, 2023, UTC-4

There's only one type of pain, and it's the pain of wanting something too much.
If you get punched in the face, the pain you feel is just you wanting to not get punched in the face. Yes.
Link 8:07 p.m. May 05, 2023, UTC-4

I just wasn't made to speedrun.
Link 8:04 p.m. May 05, 2023, UTC-4

They should make spikeball but bigger. Like a trampoline and a volleyball.
Link 6:06 p.m. May 05, 2023, UTC-4

Oh my word my brain.
Link 1:23 p.m. May 05, 2023, UTC-4

I am failing to do laundry. My system 1 tells me that "the shapes are wrong." I don't know what that means.
Link 1:09 p.m. May 05, 2023, UTC-4

When you sign up for Tumblr it forces you to choose tags to follow to get your feed started, so I started following #tech. So my feed is
constantly full of Bad Batch fan art, since there’s apparently a character named tech. Under “Top tech blogs” The official NASA Tumblr account. Fan art of The Bad Batch where the characters are drawn as horses.
Link 11:08 a.m. May 05, 2023, UTC-4

I'm still alive.
Link 9:13 a.m. May 05, 2023, UTC-4

I've never punished let's go.
Link 11:25 p.m. May 04, 2023, UTC-4

"To increase precision and decrease miscommunication we've inserted an infinite amount of letters between each letter of the alphabet, just
like numbers. You're welcome"
Link 11:02 p.m. May 04, 2023, UTC-4

Also somehow I never noticed that there’s an AJR song called “3 O’Clock Things” and one called “3AM”.
Link 9:27 p.m. May 04, 2023, UTC-4

Also somehow I never noticed that there’s an AJR song called “3 O’Clock Things” and one called “3AM”.
Link 9:27 p.m. May 04, 2023, UTC-4

I forgot about AfterHours. What a song.
Link 9:23 p.m. May 04, 2023, UTC-4

Okay I have another weird programming language idea. Pass-by-value? pass-by-reference? What if you had to choose?
``` // There's no distinction between data types // You need to use the `new` keyword to create a new object var a = new 5; var b = new [1, 2, 3, 4]; // Read as, "c also equals b", b and c are now both pointers to the same mutable data var c = also b; c[1] = 0; print(b[1]); // prints 0, since the underlying array was mutated // x and a are both 5, but they are the same 5 var x = also a; x++; print(a); // prints 6 // Copy keyword makes a copy of the data var e = copy b; // Conceptually, moves the data in b into f. // b is now empty, an invalid reference var f = move b; ``` Writing this out I think makes it really clear that there are three distinct options. And most programming languages have kind of erratic rules that treat different data types differently. I think this would make programming a lot clearer. I don't how to do function calls or other operations yet.
Link 7:01 p.m. May 04, 2023, UTC-4

I need like a full-body massage.
Link 4:22 p.m. May 04, 2023, UTC-4

How is it Thursday already. I feel like it's Monday. Yesterday I felt like it was the weekend.
Link 4:17 p.m. May 04, 2023, UTC-4

Okay I've gone insane. Now what?
Link 1:55 p.m. May 04, 2023, UTC-4

I just don't think AI is going to get much better. Like GTP-3 was/is a huge breakthrough and it will effect things, but you can't make bets
on AI as a concept or a category with the assumption that it's going to get better.
Link 10:37 a.m. May 04, 2023, UTC-4

I am begging the people on reddit and Tumblr to leave the city.
Link 10:37 a.m. May 04, 2023, UTC-4

Link 7:16 a.m. May 04, 2023, UTC-4

How is it going? I'm still alive.
Link 7:10 a.m. May 04, 2023, UTC-4

Tag yourself I’m Matthias Portzel.
Link 2:48 a.m. May 04, 2023, UTC-4

What does it actually mean to be rude?
Link 2:18 a.m. May 04, 2023, UTC-4

Can’t sleep.
Am I a normal person capable of being loved?
Link 2:17 a.m. May 04, 2023, UTC-4

Now, if I get @matthias on Discord, that would legendary, and I would be ecstatic about the change to usernames.
Link 10:47 p.m. May 03, 2023, UTC-4

Discord is removing their username#discriminator system and moving to a globally-unique username and a global display name for everyone. I
think it's dumb. The only reason they cite is that it's hard to share usernames and discriminators with other people IRL. That's very true, but I would fix that by adding Snapchat-style QR codes to add friends. Usernames are just so boring. I'm going to go from being @Matthias#4910 to @matthias4910. Woohoo. One of the nice things about Discord was how low-friction sign up was. You just told them your name and they rolled a discriminator for you, so you wouldn't have to pick a unique username when first signing up. I mean, it's really like they said 'how can we appeal to more people.' 'we can make our product more similar to other people's.' And they're not wrong, but you're also removing the things that differentiated yourself. If there's really a problem, you should try fixing it in a new way and see what happens. Choosing to fix in the way that everyone else fixed, while safe, is also really boring.
Link 10:40 p.m. May 03, 2023, UTC-4

I'm 940 ELO. In Minecraft ranked speedrunning, not chess
Link 10:16 p.m. May 03, 2023, UTC-4

The do-not-pass-out-and-die challenge is kind of difficult today. I feel like I've been hanging upside down and all of the blood is in my
head, except that I haven't been hanging upside down and my body is just malfunctioning.
Link 3:48 p.m. May 03, 2023, UTC-4

This user knows it.
Link 1:13 p.m. May 03, 2023, UTC-4

Zero being a set of numbers, basically the infinitesimals, works extremely well with my theology. Yes you read that right; my understanding
of Christianity is very similar to an obscure branch of mathematics known as the Hyperreal numbers. Maybe one day I'll elaborate but I'm also extremely skeptical of attempting to post novel religious interpretations, because people have been doing this Christianity thing for a hell of a long time and most takes have already been thoroughly discussed in articles and essays that I'm not willing to read. I will say that my understanding is very similar to Lewis's depiction of hell as being compressed into an infinitely small point, as described in *The Great Divorce*. Also I should finish watching this video:
Link 12:28 a.m. May 03, 2023, UTC-4

Horseshoe moment. Zero isn't a number. Zero should be defined as a set of numbers with a magnitude of 0.
Link 12:22 a.m. May 03, 2023, UTC-4

I'm going to have to re-do how I do seasons and pagination, it's kind of stressful right now. The volume.
Link 11:03 p.m. May 02, 2023, UTC-4

When do we get out of Spring, there are too many posts on this page
Link 11:02 p.m. May 02, 2023, UTC-4

You know it baby.
Link 11:01 p.m. May 02, 2023, UTC-4

Oh baby. It's today.
Link 10:56 p.m. May 02, 2023, UTC-4

One of these days I'm going to commit to the bit too hard.
Link 9:27 p.m. May 02, 2023, UTC-4

I am about to have a break down in the middle of this supermarket. I think I’ll put in some headphones.
sic; L; I left my headphones in the car
Link 7:07 p.m. May 02, 2023, UTC-4

I love how non-computer people always assume that the computer isn't working, even when it is.
Link 11:31 a.m. May 02, 2023, UTC-4

Church basically just exists to send me emails.
Link 8:30 a.m. May 02, 2023, UTC-4

Good morning.
Link 11:51 p.m. May 01, 2023, UTC-4

I'm going to become a fricking --- *the rest of this thought was deemed too dark and was redacted*
Link 9:03 p.m. May 01, 2023, UTC-4

Feature idea: when I close the tab with unsent text in the post box, it posts it for me automatically.
Link 3:10 p.m. May 01, 2023, UTC-4

We're not done. We're doing this forever.
Link 3:04 p.m. May 01, 2023, UTC-4

I recognize the bell with a circle as the AT&T logo, which is kind of insane. They haven’t used that as a logo for 40 years.
They should go back
Link 2:26 p.m. May 01, 2023, UTC-4

I love it when programmers claim to have solved a hard problem but then it's just a wrapper function around a function that does something
completely different. "implement secure random generator...what we do here is simple, we wrap [the standard library random number generator.]"
Link 10:28 a.m. May 01, 2023, UTC-4

I can’t believe it. There’s an eyeball in my eye socket.
Link 8:47 a.m. May 01, 2023, UTC-4

Mad respect to the people at SIBR but they have nothing on the Minecraft technical community.
Link 7:25 a.m. May 01, 2023, UTC-4

They cracked Math.Random on a computer in Minecraft I’m dying.
Link 7:24 a.m. May 01, 2023, UTC-4

Hello world.
Link 9:59 p.m. Apr 30, 2023, UTC-4

Sam Reich is an evil genius. I cried during the game changer episode "Don't Cry." Wow.
Link 6:08 p.m. Apr 30, 2023, UTC-4

I don't speak English. I don't even know what that means. I'm going insane. Brain dead brain head. lead.
Link 1:13 p.m. Apr 30, 2023, UTC-4

I'm glad to know that if I'm ever really bored I could join the Danny Phantom fandom or something.
Link 12:39 p.m. Apr 30, 2023, UTC-4

I made a mistake at some point I don't know. Aahahh
Link 12:38 p.m. Apr 30, 2023, UTC-4

Okay so I’ve gone insane again. It’s kind of fun.
Link 12:23 p.m. Apr 30, 2023, UTC-4

I wonder if the original creators of the Internet would view me as an ugly hack
Link 10:51 a.m. Apr 30, 2023, UTC-4

"Look at me fail and see that God is greater than my failure."
Link 1:37 p.m. Apr 29, 2023, UTC-4

"I don't think they see my vision here"
Link 1:24 p.m. Apr 29, 2023, UTC-4

NF has entered my library. "MOTTO" is an instant-add.
Link 12:51 p.m. Apr 29, 2023, UTC-4

This isn't even a marathon. This literally isn't even a race. Life is literally a sandbox game. You can do whatever you want.
Link 12:49 p.m. Apr 29, 2023, UTC-4

"Bet Against Me"
Link 12:22 p.m. Apr 29, 2023, UTC-4

I'm really uncomfortable being a leader because I don't like the responsibility for other people's outcomes. The problem is that that
extends to literally any form of giving advice or trying to convince someone that I'm right. I don't want to convince my friend to do something because if they do it and it ends poorly, I feel bad. But that's part of what being a friend is. I can't just let my friend do something that I think is dumb either. Okay, so imagine you're Kelsier, and ask yourself, "what would Kelsier do in this situation?"
Link 11:29 a.m. Apr 29, 2023, UTC-4

I forgot what I was going to say. This day is off to a rough start.
Link 10:15 a.m. Apr 29, 2023, UTC-4

Sorry for fleaposting again
Link 10:14 a.m. Apr 29, 2023, UTC-4

I just feel like you haven’t *really* lost your virginity until you and your SO have been bitten by the same mosquito.
Link 10:08 a.m. Apr 29, 2023, UTC-4

Link 8:37 a.m. Apr 29, 2023, UTC-4

Good morning.
Link 8:23 a.m. Apr 29, 2023, UTC-4

One of the big differences between conservatives and liberals is that if you're liberal you're expected to be liberal in every sense, but
the vast majority of conservatives are – okay wait I think part of this is a terminally online thing, and most liberals I interact with are online and most conservatives I interact with in-person – more frequently have beliefs that aren't aligned to a political or social spectrum and don't expect you to agree on all subjects. You only have to be racist or sexist to be a conservative, but if you want to be a liberal you can't be either. (This is a dumb example but it gets the point across I think.)
Link 10:11 p.m. Apr 28, 2023, UTC-4

I know I can't be like 'you're sleeping on Imagine Dragons' because they're one of the most popular bands. But Mercury is really good.
Link 8:38 p.m. Apr 28, 2023, UTC-4

For a while I've wanted to do "asks" on this site, so you can sent me stuff, but I haven't figured out how I want to do it, until today!
ETA for actually implementing it is, uh, 3 months.
Link 8:26 p.m. Apr 28, 2023, UTC-4

Good morning to myself and anyone else.
Link 8:23 p.m. Apr 28, 2023, UTC-4

Link 7:55 p.m. Apr 28, 2023, UTC-4

I know this isn’t a conventional thought, but I think we need, and will have, a major population boom in the next 20 years. Maybe.
Link 6:33 p.m. Apr 28, 2023, UTC-4

I'm never punished. My word
Link 4:53 p.m. Apr 28, 2023, UTC-4

Today was a mistake.
Link 4:37 p.m. Apr 28, 2023, UTC-4

"I'm not a big rebrand fan"
Link 1:57 p.m. Apr 28, 2023, UTC-4

Welcome to the information super highway.
Link 1:42 p.m. Apr 28, 2023, UTC-4

At least it’s not hot outside.
Link 10:18 a.m. Apr 28, 2023, UTC-4

I wish there were a way to inject steam directly into my nostrils.
Link 10:12 a.m. Apr 28, 2023, UTC-4

It can be banana time.
Link 8:49 a.m. Apr 28, 2023, UTC-4

I think the people running the plasma drives should explain what plasma is.
Link 7:26 a.m. Apr 28, 2023, UTC-4

Dreams about death and corporate fraud.
Link 7:13 a.m. Apr 28, 2023, UTC-4

“Pure love” or “perfect love” maybe make sense to talk about. “Real love” doesn’t, really.
Link 11:10 p.m. Apr 27, 2023, UTC-4

One my most interesting revealing moments when growing up was talking to an islamicphobic woman (VD, for those who know her). I pointed
out that I had some Islamic friends. I don't remember what age I was at the time, middle school age maybe. There were a couple kids that would come over and play football or soccer with us on our street. And this woman said to me, and I quote, because I wrote the quote down, "Muslims are not friends with Christians. Those are not your friends." And this is almost a comically extreme example, because "friends" is such a loosely applied term. But it's an example of a line of argument that is surprisingly common. It goes, in general, 'this group of people is not like us, and so when they say that they feel a certain way, they're really lying, and they're really trying to manipulate you.' And in the general form, this is super common any time you're generalizing about a group of people. I've heard Christians say, 'Atheists don't know God's love, so they're incapable of loving like we do.' And I just saw a post from a liberal perspective about how right wing people 'don't love their children in the same way that we do.' Or the classic, 'conservatives don't actually care about children, they just want to make women's lives difficult.' And for me, this is just a complete non-starter. If your argument is, "those people over there are lying about caring and I actually care" then I just can't take you seriously. I've met way more people who care a lot about the wrong things or who care too much and draw conclusions that are dumb than I've met people who pretend to care in order to manipulate you. And moreover, while individual people may pretend to care in order to manipulate you, I have a very hard time believing that a group of people has been orchestrated in order to pretend to care. It's a lot easier to convince a group of people to care about something, than it is to convince a group of people to *pretend* to care about something. Coordinated, large-scale, intentional, deception, does not happen. So if I see someone saying "this group of people is lying to you" I pretty immediately assume that that person is too far gone, and their version of "this group of people" is a "group of people fundamentally unlike us." And I just don't think that groups of people are that fundamentally different. Anyways, send post.
Link 9:41 p.m. Apr 27, 2023, UTC-4

You know what they say, rules are meant to be broken.
Link 6:36 p.m. Apr 27, 2023, UTC-4

I can’t install Microsoft sql server on this computer because it requires 2GB of RAM.
Link 3:21 p.m. Apr 27, 2023, UTC-4

HN comment saying the government should take over the miltary industrial complex because it’s uneconomical to mass produce weapons in peace.
Link 11:51 a.m. Apr 27, 2023, UTC-4

I should become a whale. And be big. And live in the water.
Link 11:17 a.m. Apr 27, 2023, UTC-4

Good morning.
Link 8:45 a.m. Apr 27, 2023, UTC-4

I’ve solved it. I’ve solved wtfhappenedin1971. The sharp rise of dual-income families and the normalization of women in the work force
Link 8:27 a.m. Apr 27, 2023, UTC-4

Let people enjoy things. But also like, let people hate things.
Link 7:28 a.m. Apr 27, 2023, UTC-4

The key is
I don't know
Link 10:02 p.m. Apr 26, 2023, UTC-4

LaTeX is surprisingly close to the dream of Actually Flowers; a way to semantically describe documents such that any document renders well.
Of course, that isn't actually the goal of Actually Flowers and LaTeX isn't even close to that goal. It's just surprising to me that the comparison can be made at all since they are so different in theory.
Link 9:48 p.m. Apr 26, 2023, UTC-4

ChatGTP is actually so dumb and unemotional that it may work well as a therapist by making you realize how illogical your emotions are.
Link 1:32 p.m. Apr 26, 2023, UTC-4

Bandcamp > electronic > electro [end thought]
Link 11:56 a.m. Apr 26, 2023, UTC-4

"from the album"
Link 11:47 a.m. Apr 26, 2023, UTC-4

2009 dance music went so fricking hard and we didn't even appreciate it at the time.
Link 11:45 a.m. Apr 26, 2023, UTC-4

Caved and bought a Sublime license key. It's so far from perfect but I enjoy using it.
Link 8:48 a.m. Apr 26, 2023, UTC-4

Multi-user Linux (or macOS for that matter) in 2023 is a joke.
And that's fine, but we should admit that it's fine and stop trying to secure systems across users when having things functional across users is next to impossible.
Link 4:19 p.m. Apr 25, 2023, UTC-4

Have I ever told you how smart I am?
Link 11:45 a.m. Apr 25, 2023, UTC-4

Hmm should probably stand up and get some work done.
Link 11:45 a.m. Apr 25, 2023, UTC-4

Why am I so tired sleepy?
Link 11:07 a.m. Apr 25, 2023, UTC-4

I love grains of sand and motes of dust and single hairs and things that are big enough to see but too small to think about.
Link 8:06 a.m. Apr 25, 2023, UTC-4

I realized I’m missing a lot E Tia L source of novelty on
Link 2:54 p.m. Apr 24, 2023, UTC-4

I’m a recreational novelty miner.
Link 2:53 p.m. Apr 24, 2023, UTC-4

Now what?
Link 2:50 p.m. Apr 24, 2023, UTC-4

I bet the Mormons have the longest couch in the world.
Link 2:50 p.m. Apr 24, 2023, UTC-4

I’m an animal.
Link 9:50 a.m. Apr 24, 2023, UTC-4

Well. I’m here.
Link 9:40 a.m. Apr 24, 2023, UTC-4

Ben Shapiro kind of jumped the shark. As someone who's relatively moderate, I used to appreciate him as a voice of reason on the
conservative side. Unfortunately, I now don't see him as much better than other conservatives. For example, he avoided Trump's cult in 2016 and was always relatively critical of him. He's still critical of Trump, but now seems to be backing DeSantis heavily. I, on the other hand, am not a fan of DeSantis. I think his politics in Florida have been too authoritarian.
Link 5:24 p.m. Apr 23, 2023, UTC-4

95% of light color schemes could be improved by changing the text color to pure black.
(Or indistinguishably close. This site uses #092B3B, which you can tell isn't black if you have a large swatch of it, but in text looks black. The point is that you shouldn't use a dark gray. Light code color schemes will use like #4D4D4D and it looks awful. Not enough contrast.)
Link 5:12 p.m. Apr 23, 2023, UTC-4

Just saw a post claiming that if we had just stayed home for 2 months, COVID would have been eradicated.
Everyone stayed home for a year and wore masks in public for close to two years and it didn't matter. Don't try to retcon that COVID restrictions were too lax or weren't followed. 'If Biden had only implemented a UBI then COVID would be eradicated.' People were going to meet up with friends anyways. I guarantee you COVID was spread through parties and hang-outs more than work, because many companies had and still have mask requirements for customer service workers. Yes it is a failure of the human condition that we cannot live in solitary confinement for 2 months. At least this is different from the last liberal take I saw on COVID, which argued that wearing a mask is a moral necessity, indefinitely, in order to protect people with immunodeficiencies.
Link 3:37 p.m. Apr 23, 2023, UTC-4

I want to do a column where I just spew out internally consistent systems of belief and invite people to guess whether its satire or not
Link 2:40 p.m. Apr 23, 2023, UTC-4

Spent longer than I should have trying to convince ChatGPT to spit out AMC 12 questions that I think it has seen before, but without success
Link 1:28 a.m. Apr 23, 2023, UTC-4

I miss my cubicle at work sometimes. The while walls. The lack of distractions.
Link 11:02 p.m. Apr 22, 2023, UTC-4

Computers should have like 5 words and 3 buttons on the screen at any given time.
Link 2:36 p.m. Apr 22, 2023, UTC-4

Only want to eat muffins, don't want to bake muffins.
Link 2:33 p.m. Apr 22, 2023, UTC-4

I wish I was in a barn in Kentucky.
Link 1:17 p.m. Apr 22, 2023, UTC-4

Programmers talk about certain programming languages being "loosely typed," but meanwhile Lawyers will happily just throw any data into any
field of a form.
Link 11:37 a.m. Apr 22, 2023, UTC-4

Good morning. Today is Saturday and so I am going insane.
Link 11:01 a.m. Apr 22, 2023, UTC-4

YOYOOO Bobby's on Nebula!!
Link 7:53 p.m. Apr 21, 2023, UTC-4

Picked up a copy of *Emma*; going to use it for dating advice.
Link 4:40 p.m. Apr 21, 2023, UTC-4

Oh my word. I need to be exfoliated.
Link 12:43 p.m. Apr 21, 2023, UTC-4

Link 11:07 p.m. Apr 20, 2023, UTC-4

atan is so good, there's an atan2.
Link 2:04 p.m. Apr 20, 2023, UTC-4

The head of the man from American Gothic on the body of Jack Skelleton
Link 12:44 p.m. Apr 20, 2023, UTC-4

Tumblr monetization strategy update: you can now blaze other people’s posts.
Link 12:44 p.m. Apr 20, 2023, UTC-4

After I posted that last thought I took like an hour long nap btw
Link 12:36 p.m. Apr 20, 2023, UTC-4

Feeling really good this morning. Sun is shining, I got a solid night of sleep.
Link 7:28 a.m. Apr 20, 2023, UTC-4

Link 4:01 p.m. Apr 19, 2023, UTC-4

Java fans are coping by telling me "java is not dead" as if I said it was. I said it sucks.
Link 1:21 p.m. Apr 19, 2023, UTC-4

One of my personal favorite mottos is "either it works or it doesn't."
Link 9:28 a.m. Apr 19, 2023, UTC-4

Good morning.
Link 7:31 a.m. Apr 19, 2023, UTC-4

Today was a day.
Link 11:23 p.m. Apr 18, 2023, UTC-4

Good morning.
Link 1:17 p.m. Apr 18, 2023, UTC-4

What am I supposed to do? I just. I mean obviously I shouldn't have ended up in this situation but like. ughghh
Link 11:37 p.m. Apr 17, 2023, UTC-4

"Wake up you need to make money"
Link 9:37 p.m. Apr 17, 2023, UTC-4

Hexadecimal was a good idea. Letters in my numbers are nice.
Link 7:46 p.m. Apr 17, 2023, UTC-4

You can do anything with a short feedback loop.
Link 5:34 p.m. Apr 17, 2023, UTC-4

I’m so disappointed in this soup. It looks so good and I’m in the mood for soup but it takes like drinking lemon juice.
In defense of the soup, it is labeled as a lemon soup. I should have foreseen this possibility. It’s got good flavors they’re just overpowered by the lemon. Maybe it will be better once it cools down.
Link 4:55 p.m. Apr 17, 2023, UTC-4

Found a cool bit of string on the ground. I think it was a shoelace.
Link 1:58 p.m. Apr 17, 2023, UTC-4

I’m so tired. Aaaahhh
Link 1:32 p.m. Apr 17, 2023, UTC-4

[[_the sky splits_]]
--the earth folds around--. The trees waver, and the windows shake. the wind flows through a deserted landscape. heaps of discarded, once loved, still lovable, fabrics, covering only each other and the ground. Great unscalable mounds, stretching east and west. The ground rumbles. The discarded bread crust to your right quivers and rocks. Blue lightening zags across the purple sky, cutting it down the middle. In the distance, the wind carries plastic trash in swirls through the air. You notice, in front of you, a person kneeling on the ground. They're staring into the distance. Their eyes are blue, but unfocused. The wind whips their dirty-blond hair, but they don't care. hug care love hold please let me help you The wind stops. The sky turns blue. The rubbish that was in turmoil grows still. tears The trees stand strong. Their roots are deep. They tower over all, unshakable and unmoving.
Link 1:21 p.m. Apr 17, 2023, UTC-4

Tabs were a mistake. What is a tab. It doesn’t exist. Unicode has like 500 more invisible characters than it should.
Link 3:22 p.m. Apr 16, 2023, UTC-4

There was probably a lot going on in the secret series that I didn’t pick up on.
Link 1:39 p.m. Apr 16, 2023, UTC-4

These pants are too skinny for my massive calves.
Link 11:15 a.m. Apr 16, 2023, UTC-4

Re the previous post I’ve coined the term tomato party, but to explain what I mean will take another 800 words and I’m tired.
Link 10:58 p.m. Apr 15, 2023, UTC-4

Hermitcraft TCG is doing a print run. I'm a little sad about that, because it seems to be geared towards people who are used to paying money
to collect cards. I've never played a trading card game before, never even had Pokemon cards as a kid. But I was enjoying watching the hermits play, because it was pretty chill. Every hermit that was taking it seriously seemed to be able to find the cards to build the deck that they wanted. When the only way to get cards to play the game is by gambling with your real-life money, that's kind of screwed up in my opinion. That's not a game that I could ever imagine myself having fun playing. Haha I win because I have more money than you and I bought 10 booster packs. And here's the thing. I'm not saying it's impossible to make a collectable card game that doesn't do that. I'm saying Beef has completely and utterly sold out by encouraging people to spend literally hundreds of dollars to try to get signed, holographic cards. Beef's video is literally 'you have a chance to get a signed holographic card in every pack!' Instead of, 'here's a cheap, fun, game to play with your friends.' To put that another way, it's not all about the card game itself. I'm having trouble getting over that. Part of the game experience is "how well" you can collect cards to build your deck. And the primary factor that controls how well you can collect cards, is how much money you're willing to spend. One more time, I think that the fact that there are aftermarket stores where you can buy card packs for other collectable card games is screwed up. I view that aspect of it as a distraction or a necessary evil, with the real challenge being developing your deck strategy and playing the the game well. But Beef and the other Hermits are trying to create an aftermarket ecosystem. They see that as a feature.
Link 10:47 p.m. Apr 15, 2023, UTC-4

It's easy for Christian to forget that the religion is founded on God's forgiveness, not on our sinfulness.
Link 8:36 p.m. Apr 15, 2023, UTC-4

"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."
Link 8:20 p.m. Apr 15, 2023, UTC-4

The problem with having one email for website accounts and one email for personal communication is that as soon as I give someone my
personal email they use it to invite me to sign up for some service that I've never heard of.
Link 6:51 p.m. Apr 15, 2023, UTC-4

I saw the new DnD movie last night. The first half was kind of cheesy but the ending was good.
One could write a very long essay on gender roles in that movie, but I am not qualified to do it.
Link 8:21 a.m. Apr 15, 2023, UTC-4

Currently staying in a jank motel. The entire building smells like weed.
Link 9:34 p.m. Apr 14, 2023, UTC-4

“That’s what a hamburger’s all about.”
Link 1:29 p.m. Apr 14, 2023, UTC-4

Tumblr monetization update: there’s now lore behind the merch store. The fictional Brick Whartey has gone on vacation and the fictional
crabs that manufacture the merchandise have gone on strike. A publicly traded company has created fictional unionized factory workers in order to convince socialists to buy merchandise that was almost certainly manufactured by real factory workers that are not unionized. Capitalism is amazing! Tumblr users like crabs and unions. Someone at Tumblr: ‘please buy our merch, it was manufactured by unionized crabs.’
Link 1:01 p.m. Apr 14, 2023, UTC-4

I am literally never punished.
Link 8:45 p.m. Apr 13, 2023, UTC-4

This is normal but I want to take my brain out and scrub it clean and put it back in.
Link 6:19 p.m. Apr 13, 2023, UTC-4

Sorry, I'm.
Link 2:02 p.m. Apr 13, 2023, UTC-4

One time I had a teacher who made a big deal about how we were not allowed to use any copyrighted characters or media for our project. And
then he demoed a project from a previous year that was literally just based on *The Martian*. Like the main character's name was Mark Watney and it took place on Mars. And I pointed this out, and the teacher proceeded to explain how The Martian book was originally published online for free under a public domain license, and that the characters were actually public domain. Now, as far as I can tell, this just isn't true. I couldn't turn up any reference to it anywhere. So my theory is that this group in a previous year created a *The Martian* fan project and then when questioned, they gaslit this teacher into believing that it was public domain.
Link 9:26 a.m. Apr 13, 2023, UTC-4

This morning I'm a hater. This is dumb and I hate it.
Link 8:53 a.m. Apr 13, 2023, UTC-4

Good norming.
Link 10:17 p.m. Apr 12, 2023, UTC-4

I'm a lover not a hater, I take back every mean thing I've ever said. I didn't mean to hurt you.
Link 10:14 p.m. Apr 12, 2023, UTC-4

There are some bands that understand that music is not meant to be constrained by genre. Yes, give me a 30 second orchestral intro
before your hip hop.
Link 9:48 p.m. Apr 12, 2023, UTC-4

The left fielders. The non believers. The short chubby kids with red hair and freckles and toes that are a bit too long.
The other side of the fence, the upside down painting and, of course, the inside of an elephant. People that are washed up, too tired, sleeping on the roadside, like an old rusty can on a beach. Dirt and grime and dust. A little too long since the last success. A little too long since they were clean and popular and fancy. A little too long before they will be again. Some people need a little more than a freshening-up. They need a deep clean, a real scrub. They need you to shift your perspective. Inside out. Black socks. Broken guitar strings. Dirty headlights. New glasses.
Link 9:41 p.m. Apr 12, 2023, UTC-4

I use `vipe` like once a year, but when I need it it's a life saver.
Link 7:38 p.m. Apr 12, 2023, UTC-4

All I do all day is write C++, how did we get here?
Link 7:34 p.m. Apr 12, 2023, UTC-4

A grainy image of the body of a woman wearing a dress. She has shoulders and a left arm, but no head or legs. The background is a bright sea and a cloud-covered sky.
Link 3:27 p.m. Apr 12, 2023, UTC-4

It happened; compiling LLVM from source
Link 3:17 p.m. Apr 12, 2023, UTC-4

Can't believe I put a circle on this website, I'm a fricking genius.
Link 12:57 p.m. Apr 12, 2023, UTC-4

Going insane going insane going insane
Link 12:52 p.m. Apr 12, 2023, UTC-4

Happy Tuesday.
Link 12:37 p.m. Apr 12, 2023, UTC-4

Something about the inverse of nothing.
Link 12:32 p.m. Apr 12, 2023, UTC-4

Has anyone double checked that the Physicists know what they're talking about?
Link 9:03 a.m. Apr 12, 2023, UTC-4

“Hey There Delilah” is such a great song but the production/recording is so uninspired. Put some passion into it.
Edit: Plain White T’s is a rock group, and it’s like I can tell that the song could be a rock song, but it’s not. It sounds like you should be able to sing along to it like you can to “Sweet Caroline.”
Link 8:14 a.m. Apr 12, 2023, UTC-4

Link 7:21 a.m. Apr 12, 2023, UTC-4

Well, tailscale stopped working. The mac app just loads endlessly without connecting. Good job everyone.
Edit Apr 12: I think this was a conflict between Cloudflare WARP and Tailscale. (Both provide VPN-style functionality.) Cloudflare WARP wasn't running, or shouldn't have been running, but it's possible Cloudflare left some configuration dangling or something, which wouldn't be Tailscale's fault.
Link 10:30 p.m. Apr 11, 2023, UTC-4

Rewatch is something that I want to exist so bad, that I would use, but that I just can't enjoy making.
I wonder if I just chose a bad stack, if I should have used Rails. Or if web dev is just kind of inherently tedious for me since I know so much about it.
Link 8:45 p.m. Apr 11, 2023, UTC-4

Let's go faster. No slower. No sleep.
Link 1:14 p.m. Apr 11, 2023, UTC-4

Unix command line pro tip: Ignore anyone that tells you to run commands like `chmod 755`
`chmod +x ` adds the ability to execute the file (sets the executable bit), `chmod g+w` lets group users write, `chmod go-wrx` removes read write and execute permissions from everyone except the owner (read as a group, other, remove, write, read, execute). If you understand the underlying permission system, it makes so much sense. And I do not understand why people decide to encode these things as octal??
Link 11:39 a.m. Apr 11, 2023, UTC-4

Oh my poor head.
Link 10:36 a.m. Apr 11, 2023, UTC-4

Good morning.
(just fidgeting again)
Link 8:29 a.m. Apr 11, 2023, UTC-4

Something about the beauty of videos of people making things.
Link 7:11 a.m. Apr 11, 2023, UTC-4

Keep running baby.
Link 10:14 p.m. Apr 10, 2023, UTC-4

\*Pointing into the air next to me like I'm smart*
Link 9:52 p.m. Apr 10, 2023, UTC-4

*Trench* is really one of those albums that gets better the more you listen to it.
Link 9:48 p.m. Apr 10, 2023, UTC-4

Ruby is one of those languages that you miss if you're not writing it.
`return false if not `
Link 7:29 p.m. Apr 10, 2023, UTC-4

Bad equality operators, C# edition: `EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals`
Link 7:24 p.m. Apr 10, 2023, UTC-4

Okay so we're still running.
Link 7:00 p.m. Apr 10, 2023, UTC-4

It's okay, you can close your tabs. They're not important. You can always re-open them.
Link 1:40 p.m. Apr 10, 2023, UTC-4

Oh my fricking word. Good morning.
Link 1:31 p.m. Apr 10, 2023, UTC-4

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God."
Link 1:02 p.m. Apr 10, 2023, UTC-4

If Webster wrote his first dictionary today sunrise and sunset wouldn't be words.
Link 10:17 a.m. Apr 10, 2023, UTC-4

Good morning
Link 7:07 a.m. Apr 10, 2023, UTC-4

I'm going to bed, see you in 11 hours.
Link 7:48 p.m. Apr 09, 2023, UTC-4

Sometimes it feels like I go to bed later, wake up earlier, and yet get more sleep than most people.
Link 8:46 a.m. Apr 09, 2023, UTC-4

He is risen!
He is risen indeed!
Link 2:06 a.m. Apr 09, 2023, UTC-4

If Conway didn’t want to be remembered for his game of life, he shouldn’t have made it so cool.
Link 9:37 p.m. Apr 08, 2023, UTC-4

*Piranesi* is similar in a lot of ways to "The Most Dangerous Game".
Unrelated, one of the things that *Piranesi* does well is that it slips into the realm of fantasy enough to introduce different perspectives, which is something that a lot of literature fails to sell IMO.
Link 7:09 p.m. Apr 08, 2023, UTC-4

Things I will never stop thinking about: The Adventures in Odyssey episode where they bust a child immigrant labor ring.
Adventures in Odyssey is like a children's Christian radio program, where they like learn biblical lessons. Except for "The Other Side of the Glass" arc.
Link 7:05 p.m. Apr 08, 2023, UTC-4

I wish I had a book to read.
Link 5:02 p.m. Apr 08, 2023, UTC-4

Matthias clean his room challenge (impossible).
Link 4:45 p.m. Apr 08, 2023, UTC-4

I really think you could do a web/Gemini browser without an address bar.
Link 9:46 a.m. Apr 08, 2023, UTC-4

I still can’t believe they gave Toothless teeth.
The whole point of the book is that every other Viking values having a big dragon with lots of teeth and lots of fire. And Hiccup is in an entirely different mindset because he is the only one that values understanding the dragons. And you completely undermine that point by giving Hiccup a dragon with more teeth and more fire than every other dragon.
Link 9:45 a.m. Apr 08, 2023, UTC-4

Good morning.
Link 4:15 p.m. Apr 07, 2023, UTC-4

There are a lot of social media that don’t have circles, but this isn’t one of them.
Link 8:37 a.m. Apr 07, 2023, UTC-4

I was thinking about getting a new phone because I’ve had trouble with my phone charging, but I just stuck a pin in the lightning port and
pulled out a compacted mass of lint that was definitely interfering with the phone’s ability to charge. So that’s a life pro tip.
Link 8:31 a.m. Apr 07, 2023, UTC-4

What if you had a room with a carpet that was like several inches thick. And ideally thicker in some places than others.
Link 11:49 p.m. Apr 05, 2023, UTC-4

Stay sleepy my friends.
Link 5:15 p.m. Apr 05, 2023, UTC-4

Maybe more websites should be shapes.
Link 5:10 p.m. Apr 05, 2023, UTC-4

I’ve wanted a website that is just a circle for a while. It’s just so soothing.
Link 4:57 p.m. Apr 05, 2023, UTC-4

It is circle time :)
Link 4:50 p.m. Apr 05, 2023, UTC-4

From the creator of Super Thoughts, I am happy to bring you Circle Time.
Link 4:50 p.m. Apr 05, 2023, UTC-4

I feel double plus un good
Link 3:57 p.m. Apr 05, 2023, UTC-4

If what’s the relationship between NP completeness and Turing ness?
Link 3:52 p.m. Apr 05, 2023, UTC-4

A waterfall of words cascades out of the upper window of a burning building.
Link 11:29 a.m. Apr 05, 2023, UTC-4 has skyrocketed up the list of potentially most-based social medias.
Link 8:54 a.m. Apr 05, 2023, UTC-4

Maybe I should start using spaced en-dashes. I use em-dashes a fair amount, but I like putting spaces around them, which isn't proper.
Link 8:46 a.m. Apr 05, 2023, UTC-4

I just thank God that everything is okay.
Link 10:43 p.m. Apr 04, 2023, UTC-4

I am Matthias. Yes. Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Link 9:41 p.m. Apr 04, 2023, UTC-4

I have stopped laying in the stairwell. I’m now sitting in a chair outside. But. I have overcome the small amount of friction that was
keeping me in the stairwell. Unfortunately, there is much more friction keeping me from doing things.
Link 9:38 p.m. Apr 04, 2023, UTC-4

I’m laying down in a stairwell. There’s a long answer as to why, but the short answer is that I want to.
Link 9:06 p.m. Apr 04, 2023, UTC-4

I am, as some would say, eepy
Link 10:05 p.m. Apr 03, 2023, UTC-4

awddwawadawd awda wda wda wd awdawdawd what is a brain
brain bug bye bee bit best before brew butt bin binary. buh boo bfft woolop me aah oh my. inside and outside turning tables upside down in the temple outside the inside. brrr bar baz. loop. yeah.
Link 10:04 p.m. Apr 03, 2023, UTC-4

Oh my word; people
Link 1:34 p.m. Apr 03, 2023, UTC-4

Got eaten by zombies last night :( rip
Link 6:58 p.m. Apr 02, 2023, UTC-4

A normal night, I would be going to sleep right now. But to night the stress is just starting to kick in and it won't be over until after 1.
Link 10:08 p.m. Apr 01, 2023, UTC-4

2023 problems, I can't run `l` to list the contents of the current directory because libssl.1.1.dylib is missing. Crying.
Link 9:47 p.m. Apr 01, 2023, UTC-4

Sublime's syntax highlighting is fine because it's designed to be resilient against malformed documents. But wow, there are a lot of cases
that it doesn't handle perfectly. Tree-sitter based grammars are 100% the way to go. Home-baked syntax highlighting and spell check are the biggest drawback to Sublime for me. And they exist, so they check the box, but they're not good. I'm trying to decide whether I should buy a Sublime license or keep hopping.
Link 9:31 p.m. Apr 01, 2023, UTC-4

There’s a thunderstorm warning and I’m standing outside in a vending machine costume.
Link 1:01 p.m. Apr 01, 2023, UTC-4

I knocked my Homepod off my dresser yesterday and I haven't bothered putting it back; it's just playing music while laying on the floor.
Link 9:16 a.m. Apr 01, 2023, UTC-4

Tumblr has outdone themselves again with their April fools this year.
Link 8:31 a.m. Apr 01, 2023, UTC-4

I give up, I'm going to sleep.
Link 12:49 a.m. Apr 01, 2023, UTC-4

I decided that getting the linux framebuffer console to use my full monitor was more important than sleep or routine or anything else
Link 12:44 a.m. Apr 01, 2023, UTC-4

Decided to make bad decisions.
Link 12:28 a.m. Apr 01, 2023, UTC-4

Sometimes I wish I were smarter, like I'm not smart enough When I was a kid I knew that I knew less than many people I wanted to learn but
only so much. Now I want to learn everything. Or maybe now I have the hubris to think I can.
Link 11:36 p.m. Mar 31, 2023, UTC-4

/r/notinteresting is at times more interesting than other subreddits, because since it doesn’t have a single theme.
Link 11:11 p.m. Mar 31, 2023, UTC-4

I accidentally ran rsync with one argument and it happily printed a message about sending it. Where did it go???
Link 10:56 p.m. Mar 31, 2023, UTC-4

I bought a “does Tumblr still exist?” keychain because it’s funny now, but it’ll be really funny when Tumblr goes out of business
Link 5:51 p.m. Mar 30, 2023, UTC-4

Hmmmmmmmmm the do not starve challenge is difficult today
Link 5:01 p.m. Mar 30, 2023, UTC-4

“Silly guys like me can’t survive in cruel worlds like these….“
Link 2:47 p.m. Mar 30, 2023, UTC-4

I need to get off the internet. I feel like every year the takes get worse.
Link 12:16 p.m. Mar 30, 2023, UTC-4

Is there a name for the phenomenon where women are unrepresented in a group, but are disproportionately represented in authority positions?
Link 9:40 a.m. Mar 30, 2023, UTC-4

Good morning.
Link 8:49 a.m. Mar 30, 2023, UTC-4

A lot of people view escapist fiction as inherently not commenting on our world. They think that since it's describing another world it
cannot be talking about our world. But to me, a story about a world without children says so much more to me about the role of children in our lives than a story which is about children. And a story about children says so much more about adults than a story about adults.
Link 10:47 p.m. Mar 29, 2023, UTC-4

Wow. Wow. Piranesi is like honey. It is excellent.
Analyzing it almost seems unfair, since it exists on its own as a work of art. And yet, it stands up to cursory analysis. It reads like a short story of literature, except actually good. It's simultaneously indulgent and escapist, and persuasive and compelling. But it's not incredible, it doesn't transcend the genre. It knows that it's a story. All it is is a story. It's just a really good story. Wow. Wow.
Link 10:15 p.m. Mar 29, 2023, UTC-4

I'm so burnt out on web development it's like not even funny.
Link 8:21 p.m. Mar 29, 2023, UTC-4

Tumblr monetization update: it’s working, I just bought Tumblr merch.
Link 6:16 p.m. Mar 29, 2023, UTC-4

I'm actually glad that C has the staying power that it does, and that there are legitimate reasons to learn and write C in 2023.
It serves a common-denominator, a bridge between older and newer code. I don't know.
Link 4:30 p.m. Mar 29, 2023, UTC-4

Nothing like a cool shower after running away from zombies.
Link 1:04 a.m. Mar 29, 2023, UTC-4

Okay I'm removing the Santa hat from my Discord profile picture.
Link 7:59 p.m. Mar 28, 2023, UTC-4

“What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight. What you have whispered to someone behind closed doors will be shouted from
the rooftops.” Shouted from the rooftops The rooftops, the rooftops, the rooftops
Link 12:56 p.m. Mar 28, 2023, UTC-4

Dark is “pivoting to AI” which sounds like 4 L’s to me. I don’t know. Paul is ready to gamble that typing code is going away.
Which just doesn’t make any sense to me because we’ve had Scratch for decades. If you want to not-type-code, you don’t have to. But that is not the problem people actually face.
Link 12:08 p.m. Mar 28, 2023, UTC-4

I’ve started saying “Yooo” a lot and I don’t know where I got it from.
Link 11:51 a.m. Mar 28, 2023, UTC-4

I think Lichess should require both players to agree on a theme before the game starts.
Link 9:25 a.m. Mar 28, 2023, UTC-4

Man I want Rewatch to exist so bad.
Link 8:55 a.m. Mar 28, 2023, UTC-4

Sometimes I just feel like I'm invisible. I just have to be so loud and obnoxious in order to get anyone to react to what I'm saying.
Link 7:36 a.m. Mar 28, 2023, UTC-4

Oh my.
Link 3:46 p.m. Mar 27, 2023, UTC-4

This article makes it sound boring, but the implication is that some con artist sold bags of rocks for $1.3 million.
Link 1:46 p.m. Mar 27, 2023, UTC-4

One of the interesting take-aways from Zig is that Zig does not have conciseness as a goal. It eschews Haskell-levels of implied behavior
and syntax sugar. And yet, since it has modern features and well-designed syntax, and it values simplicity and avoiding cruft, it feels more concise than a lot of languages.
Link 1:34 p.m. Mar 27, 2023, UTC-4

I wonder if I'm sick. Or maybe allergies, since it is kind of now spring.
Link 10:30 a.m. Mar 27, 2023, UTC-4

Even if one tree has an abundance of water, it cannot nourish another tree. The second tree needs roots as well.
Link 10:23 a.m. Mar 27, 2023, UTC-4

'I'm kinda over being told to throw my hands up in the air. So there.'
Link 9:53 a.m. Mar 27, 2023, UTC-4

Watching myself age is going to be fascinating. I think it will be very different from a lot of people.
Link 9:46 a.m. Mar 27, 2023, UTC-4

I think ads are some sort of money laundering scheme.
Link 8:16 a.m. Mar 27, 2023, UTC-4

LiveOverflow's old videos are so good.
I don't know; just the vibes are immaculate.
Link 10:06 p.m. Mar 26, 2023, UTC-4

The best bit would be a website with files paths like
Link 6:40 p.m. Mar 26, 2023, UTC-4

It's a good morning kinda moment, you know
Link 3:24 p.m. Mar 26, 2023, UTC-4

I've had the same phone background from the pre-installed Apple ones for like 5 years, if not longer. Just changed my phone background to
Etho-Joel fan art.
Link 12:25 p.m. Mar 26, 2023, UTC-4

I made corn bread last night and then left it on the counter and forgot about it. Morning after cornbread review:
8/10 Great sweetness, slightly moist, good texture. Could be warm, obviously, and has a little bit of that bitter aftertaste that a lot of cornbreads have. Also it was made with an egg with a use-by date of Feb 1, so I think “fresh ingredients” is a scam propagated by the food companies to sell more food.
Link 12:15 p.m. Mar 26, 2023, UTC-4

Saw a fat gopher walking around outside today.
Link 11:24 a.m. Mar 26, 2023, UTC-4

It would suck to get cancelled for some boring mid take. I gotta keep the takes spicy so that when they cancel me I'm like "yeah, fair"
I have been informed that I can't be cancelled since I'm not famous. Dang it.
Link 9:11 a.m. Mar 26, 2023, UTC-4

Men are autistic, women are ADHD.
Link 9:06 a.m. Mar 26, 2023, UTC-4

It's possible to go too far with the whole semantic thing and have like `OrderableSymbol`s when you could just use numbers.
Or is it???
Link 9:05 a.m. Mar 26, 2023, UTC-4

RIP Moore.
Link 8:52 a.m. Mar 26, 2023, UTC-4

"Dancing on My Own" does not disappoint.
Link 8:52 a.m. Mar 26, 2023, UTC-4

Most underrated MC speedrunner =>
Link 6:51 p.m. Mar 25, 2023, UTC-4

Everyone wants to work at a company that makes lamps.
Link 6:19 p.m. Mar 25, 2023, UTC-4

"Gameshow", Two Door, is such a banger
Link 3:02 p.m. Mar 25, 2023, UTC-4

Evaporation is insane. The water just... dries up... Every day I wake up and am amazed by the water cycle.
Link 2:17 p.m. Mar 25, 2023, UTC-4

Noooo. Zig doesn't have function overloading, screaming and crying
Link 2:00 p.m. Mar 25, 2023, UTC-4

I posted a comment this morning to Cohost saying I was a fan of brew. So of course the Zig homebrew formula is broken.
Link 8:34 a.m. Mar 25, 2023, UTC-4

I love Etho so much but he can be so dumb sometimes.
Link 5:25 p.m. Mar 24, 2023, UTC-4

Andrew whateverhisnameis and I are on exactly the same page. Love Zig.
Link 3:05 p.m. Mar 24, 2023, UTC-4

My dreams ARE NOT DEAD. My dreams have been TEMPORARILY postponed due to the demands of society but one of these days...
Link 9:52 a.m. Mar 24, 2023, UTC-4

If you had pitched me a book where sporadic words were capitalized I would have expected it to be weird. But it actually works.
Link 9:56 p.m. Mar 23, 2023, UTC-4

My brain has shut off. I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing. I think I’m going to read for 30 minutes and then go to bed.
Link 8:59 p.m. Mar 23, 2023, UTC-4

To restate my thought about book complexity; it's weird to complain about someone playing a video game on Easy mode when there are other
video games that are always easy.
Link 5:54 p.m. Mar 23, 2023, UTC-4

I figured out how to turn it off. You need to edit the syntax-specific setting file.
Link 3:10 p.m. Mar 23, 2023, UTC-4

I AM GOING INSANE. I AM GOING INSANE. ALL I WANT IS TO EDIT THE TEXT MYSELF. Saving in sublime auto-formats Zig files and I can’t figure out
how to turn it off. I want to write the code myself. I do not want the editor to write the code for me
Link 3:06 p.m. Mar 23, 2023, UTC-4

Wee woo we woo we doo wee dooo free wee leee doo foo boo wooo moo
Link 12:56 p.m. Mar 23, 2023, UTC-4

‘I want to draw a headshot of my favorite Minecraft YouTuber but he’s a generic looking white boy with no defining characteristics.’
Solution: Wings coming out of his ears.
Link 10:39 a.m. Mar 23, 2023, UTC-4

I love art of birds, okay. When I say you should just draw a bird I mean it. There is no reason to draw a Minecraft YouTuber if the majority
of the drawing is the wings that you’ve put on his back. I’m so sorry Grian. Like the art is absolute fire I just don’t get why it’s Grian.
Link 10:30 a.m. Mar 23, 2023, UTC-4

Maybe I’ll start doing the CrossFit WOD. It’s a 6 mile run today
Link 9:29 a.m. Mar 23, 2023, UTC-4

Twitch chat is an untranslatable medium. The medium is the message and messages on Twitch don't make sense anywhere else.
Link 10:25 p.m. Mar 22, 2023, UTC-4

"Work" JoC is such a headbanger. "Do you know what I mean when I say I don't want to be alone"
Link 8:14 p.m. Mar 22, 2023, UTC-4

"Average LSP fan vs average Man pages enjoyer"
Link 2:56 p.m. Mar 22, 2023, UTC-4

The best breakcore is not on Youtube, or Soundcloud, or Bandcamp. => Dark Side, Reizoko Cj
Link 12:02 p.m. Mar 22, 2023, UTC-4

Um, guys. I think Black Hat might be slightly problematic.
Link 8:05 a.m. Mar 22, 2023, UTC-4

Sleep time tonight pleaaer
Link 10:30 p.m. Mar 21, 2023, UTC-4

I the tired sleepy
Link 10:29 p.m. Mar 21, 2023, UTC-4

A lot of people look to the Bible to tell them what to believe about the things that they care about. But the purpose of the Bible is also
to tell you what to care about.
Link 7:06 p.m. Mar 21, 2023, UTC-4

I don’t need a therapist, I need like a psychologist to analyze me.
Link 12:26 p.m. Mar 21, 2023, UTC-4

It's kind of incredible that we (humanity) found a single shape that aperiodically tiles the plane in my lifetime.
Congrats Smith, Myers, Goodman-Strauss, and Kaplan.
Link 12:23 p.m. Mar 21, 2023, UTC-4

One of these days I'm going to create my own programming language and then I'm going to be unstoppable.
Link 9:33 a.m. Mar 21, 2023, UTC-4

I guess everyone else knew that, but for some reason I don’t normally think of emotion as a way to influence people.
Link 9:48 p.m. Mar 20, 2023, UTC-4

Getting people to agree with you is not “debate” or “logic” it’s “art” and “rhetoric.”
I saw a post that used “American Pie” as example of an artist creating something that communicated a feeling that the listener wouldn’t otherwise have ever experienced. Every emotion that I feel thinking when I think about that plane crash was communicated to me by Don McLean. Reading the Wikipedia page communicates nothing.
Link 9:47 p.m. Mar 20, 2023, UTC-4

I’ve been thinking for months about how to fix the US copyright system for the digital age. Such a mess.
Link 9:32 p.m. Mar 20, 2023, UTC-4

I was like, “I’m going to register for housing and shave and clean my floor tonight” and then I turned off the lights and put my pajamas on
Link 9:28 p.m. Mar 20, 2023, UTC-4

Wow. Wow. Wooow.
Link 8:52 p.m. Mar 20, 2023, UTC-4

Oh I should disclaim, I don't actually speedrun Minecraft. It was like 3 hours or something. But it might have been 2 or 4 hours, IDK
Link 7:08 p.m. Mar 20, 2023, UTC-4

When this site was in "maintenance" I set a Minecraft speedrun person best, but I don't remember the time. I would've posted it here...
Link 7:06 p.m. Mar 20, 2023, UTC-4

Kills you by hitting you on the head with a gun. This is a statement about how unintentional causes of harm.
Link 3:08 p.m. Mar 20, 2023, UTC-4

WAIT! CLion is a pun on sea lion!
Link 2:31 p.m. Mar 20, 2023, UTC-4

I listened to all four of AJR’s albums in order over the weekend. They were good. You can hear the progression of the band.
Link 1:32 p.m. Mar 20, 2023, UTC-4

I’m really excited to see how TIES does this season. They’ve built some impressive infrastructure (mob farm, sky net, ender pearl villager);
I’m hoping it pays off for them.
Link 12:15 p.m. Mar 20, 2023, UTC-4

Oh, I'm stressed. I'm like terribly stressed, oh my word. My brain is like broken. I need to explode. I need to start exercising again.
Link 10:28 a.m. Mar 20, 2023, UTC-4

So many thoughts running through my head. I can't think I can't breathe.
Link 10:14 a.m. Mar 20, 2023, UTC-4

"We use global variables for simplicity, but this is not the best choice for a real language implementation :)."
Smiley-face emoticon in the LLVM documentation.
Link 9:16 a.m. Mar 20, 2023, UTC-4

______ never ceases to impress me. He's off the wall.
Link 9:43 p.m. Mar 19, 2023, UTC-4

The gas station employee wouldn’t charge me for the pre-made pizza they were selling. I’m a little scared.
Link 5:34 p.m. Mar 19, 2023, UTC-4

"Sam, where are you from?"
Link 10:09 p.m. Mar 17, 2023, UTC-4

I love steam so much. Truly one of God’s greatest creations.
Link 9:43 p.m. Mar 17, 2023, UTC-4

On macOS CMake just kind of ignores the PATH and uses the c compiler that ships with Xcode unless you explicitly tell it not to. Lame.
Link 3:07 p.m. Mar 17, 2023, UTC-4

OpenAI published scores that GTP-4 got after taking several high-school level exams. It does well on most of them, but the one that
immediately stands out to me is the AMC 10. The AMC is the American Math Contest (10th grade and below). GTP-4 got a 30/150 on the test, which is the 10th percentile. This is much worse than its performance on other tests. (For example, it's in the 89th percentile on the SAT Math subject test.) To try to understand what's going on here, I'm going to quote part of the grading description on for the test. > This is a 25-question, multiple choice test. Each question is followed by answers marked A, B, C, D and E. Only one of these is correct. > You will receive 6 points for each correct answer, ... 1.5 points for each problem left unanswered ... and 0 points for each incorrect answer. The AMC is supposed to be hard. You are not supposed to be able to answer every question on the AMC, which is why you get points for leaving questions blank. If you left every question blank, you would get a 37.5, and do better than GTP-4! But GTP isn't designed to leave questions blank. It's going to generate a BS, plausible sounding, answer for every single question. Now, if you guessed randomly on every question, with 5 correct answers, you'd get a 30, which also happens to be the score GTP got. The type of problem solving that you have to do on the AMC is the exactly the type of stuff that GTP has a bad time with. I remember geometry problems that require you to be able to visualize spacial objects in a novel way. As a language model, GTP has no spacial reasoning ability. I think GTP is guessing randomly here, hurting its score. I'm calling this the AMC-effect. Text generation models would rather hallucinate than not-answer, leading to worse performance in some cases. I think it could be used by teachers trying to detect cheating. They could include a nonsensical, honeypot, question, and instruct students that they don't have to answer every question. Any student who generated BS for this honeypot question is likely to not understand the concepts, or be cheating. Another weird note: GTP does better when it doesn't have visual input on the AMC 10. Some of these questions are only possible to answer correctly with the diagram. OpenAI says that they replace the image with "IMAGE: with a non-meaningful filename wherever an image would be missing" (Appendix A.4). I think what's happening is that the text-only GTP is opting not to answer these questions, since it knows it's missing information, and leaving the question blank, leading to more points than otherwise. But here's the weirdest part. GTP-4 does better on the AMC 12, landing in the 50th percentile with a 60/150. Why? This should be a harder test. It covers more concepts. I have no idea why it performs respectably on this test. It kind of throws a wrench in my whole theory. I'm really curious if/how their prompt for these tests explained that the test taker can leave the questions blank, I think that's an important peice of information. => The GTP-4 paper (click PDF in the upper right) => The 2022 AMC 10
Link 10:36 a.m. Mar 17, 2023, UTC-4

Trader Joe's isn't a cult I promise.
Link 8:34 a.m. Mar 17, 2023, UTC-4

I know it's presumptuous of me to declare that I alone have figured out the problem with React, but I don't care. The problem with React is
that components work as a way to re-use rendering, and not as a way to re-use logic. This is the problem that functional-style react and hooks were supposed to address, because you were supposed to be better about writing functional components. In reality, it made the problem worse, because JS developers aren't Haskell developers. They think of functions as a way to re-use business logic. So when React said "components are just functions" people started putting *more* business logic into components, not less.
Link 5:15 p.m. Mar 16, 2023, UTC-4

Paper towels taste so much better than toilet paper, I want to know what they do.
Link 1:32 p.m. Mar 16, 2023, UTC-4

This "game show" is literally Sam Reich going, "what can I make these people do for money?"
Link 8:34 p.m. Mar 15, 2023, UTC-4

Who comes up with these ideas? 'Which of our contestants will eat a post-it note for the fewest number of points?'
Link 8:19 p.m. Mar 15, 2023, UTC-4

I started a subscription so I could watch Game Changer and oh my word. I'm crying laughing.
They can just, on command, spontaneously improve a duet of an original song. I don't know how they do it.
Link 2:20 p.m. Mar 15, 2023, UTC-4

When was I hurt so badly?
Link 10:02 a.m. Mar 15, 2023, UTC-4

Only authorized thoughts will be allowed.
Link 10:01 a.m. Mar 15, 2023, UTC-4

white flag weight of
want from me sometimes what is going on
Link 10:01 a.m. Mar 15, 2023, UTC-4

I moved the computer tower under my desk and I keep kicking it and causing the DVD slot to open.
And then going "I can't believe this computer has a DVD drive lol"
Link 9:41 a.m. Mar 15, 2023, UTC-4

Link 5:57 p.m. Mar 14, 2023, UTC-4

Okay then. Um. Hmmmm.
Link 5:56 p.m. Mar 14, 2023, UTC-4

The other day someone mentioned taking a Myer's Briggs personality test and so I asked them what type they got, and they said something that
started with "N..." And I just had to smile and nod but I wanted to be like 'um acktually, Myer's-Briggs types start with E for extroverted or I for introverted, that's not a valid type.'
Link 11:44 p.m. Mar 13, 2023, UTC-4

One of the things that made Lockwood and Co so aggressively different from other children's books or books with children as main characters
is that all of the characters are treated like adults, in that they have backstories and are fully independent at the start of the book.
Link 10:58 p.m. Mar 13, 2023, UTC-4

They do not understand. We HAVE to Iterate ALL of the words! Every combination, every sentence must be said. ALL OF THEM.
Link 10:03 p.m. Mar 13, 2023, UTC-4

Every so often, Sanderson will do something genius, like giving Doomslug voice lines.
Link 9:42 p.m. Mar 13, 2023, UTC-4

"Don't compare yourself to other people" means that if you're the best, you should beat yourself up about not being perfect, right?
Link 8:35 p.m. Mar 13, 2023, UTC-4

“I’m not narcissistic, I’m just high off the music, and I don’t wanna miss it, but I wouldn’t stop you.”
-AJR, No Grass Today
Link 10:39 p.m. Mar 12, 2023, UTC-4

Some random music recommendations: Danger! Fire songs below the fold
"Monday," Imagine Dragons "Blur," Imagine Dragons "Charlie Vouchers," Wilderness Survival "Turn the Lights Off," Tally Hall "Pager," Lyn Lapid "Ana Ng," They Might Be Giants
Link 4:31 p.m. Mar 12, 2023, UTC-4

Have I ever told you how much I hate writing?
Link 3:34 p.m. Mar 12, 2023, UTC-4

Can you just shovel salad out of the bag into your mouth?
Link 3:33 p.m. Mar 12, 2023, UTC-4

Link 2:19 p.m. Mar 12, 2023, UTC-4

Have you ever created a narrative. Only to watch it fall apart and slip away from you. and fall apart.
Link 1:40 p.m. Mar 12, 2023, UTC-4

I tried to do one Leetcode problem, and I think my code should work. And when I run it in Deno, it works. But in the Leetcode editor the
array spontaneously generates a null value in between the bottom of the while loop and checking the while-loop condition. Also I haven't eaten anything in like 24 hours. I am having a wonderful day.
Link 11:11 a.m. Mar 12, 2023, UTC-4

Original content was "I think I got banned from HN for posting meta-commentary lol we're rolling boys." I'm paranoid about being shadow-banned from websites in general, after my experiences on Khan Academy. And I have show-dead on HN on, and there are a lot of people there shadow banned. (If you only post links to your own blog, and never do anything else, you get auto-banned pretty quickly. And those people keep posting links to their own blog, ignorant.) Anyways, what happened above was that I checked in a private tab if my most recent comment existed pretty quickly after I posted it, and it didn't and I freaked out. It can't have been flagged or downvoted, since I checked quickly. But if you access HN and you're not logged in, you hit a CDN with a cached version of the page. (If you're logged in, it can't cache since it has to put in your username in the top right.) So when I checked again just now my comments showed up, so I think I just needed to give the CDN a minute.
Link 7:34 p.m. Mar 11, 2023, UTC-5

Nooo, they got in there and updated the title.
Edit a minute later, it's flagged again. The post was actually submitted once before with the original title, and it was flagged because "Urgent: Sign the petition now" is a clickbait title, so someone resubmitted with the title "YC is asking for a bailout." But then the title of the second submission got changed to "Urgent: Sign the petition now" since HN hates "editorializing titles" and then the second one got flagged away because that's a clickbait title. It will be a miracle if HN discussion quality can withstand this event.
Link 7:21 p.m. Mar 11, 2023, UTC-5

The libertarians are having an absolute field day with this one. 'when you gamble sometimes you lose.' 'should've done due-diligence on
the bank' "The crypto people haven't been getting bailouts and it doesn't seem to be hurting the ecosystem" "Don't ask taxpayers to fix your mistakes for you." The communists are also having a field day. 'the guillotines will be brought out eventually.'
Link 7:19 p.m. Mar 11, 2023, UTC-5

Billions of dollars are potentially riding on how well Garry can respond to hacker news commenters.
Link 7:06 p.m. Mar 11, 2023, UTC-5

Watching comments flood in live: => (posted 7 minutes ago)
Link 6:51 p.m. Mar 11, 2023, UTC-5

There was a meeting at the Trader Joe’s headquarters where someone was like, “okay, what foods can we put everything-bagel seasoning on”
Link 2:46 p.m. Mar 11, 2023, UTC-5

the evolution of revolution
Link 12:57 p.m. Mar 11, 2023, UTC-5

Bandcamp's culture.
Link 8:25 a.m. Mar 11, 2023, UTC-5

Always a bad day when you have to pull up the Chromium source code.
(For the record, the issue in question is that in the following case Chrome *always* picks the ico favicon. I skimmed the Chromium source and can't tell why this is the case, but if there's an ico available I don't think it's possible to get Chrome to use the SVG. ``` <link rel="icon" href="/static/images/favicon.ico"> <link rel="icon" type="image/svg+xml" href="/static/images/favicon.svg"> ``` ) I'm going to address it by not shipping a .ico. Sorry IE 8 or whatever.
Link 10:29 p.m. Mar 10, 2023, UTC-5

Link 12:51 p.m. Mar 10, 2023, UTC-5

Yo we got a bank collapse baby.
Link 12:06 p.m. Mar 10, 2023, UTC-5

I ate 64 Costco chewy chocolate chip granola bars in 13 days. That ~5 a day.
Link 10:24 a.m. Mar 10, 2023, UTC-5

A text-editor with an integrated, upside down, console/terminal could be very cool. So you would always enter commands at the top.
Link 9:58 a.m. Mar 10, 2023, UTC-5

*Left Handed Booksellers of London* would make a great 1-season TV show. So much happens in that book.
Link 10:49 p.m. Mar 09, 2023, UTC-5

Not to flex but I get 246Mbps down/159Mbps up, over WiFi. (It goes down to 100/100 if Cloudflare WARP is on lol.)
Link 1:02 p.m. Mar 09, 2023, UTC-5

"This is a filler! Filler yeah! No, not enough content for a whole video."
Some jokes never get old.
Link 9:49 a.m. Mar 09, 2023, UTC-5

New Minecraft AA world record is 2:33. You already know who it’s by.
For the 13th consecutive time. The GOAT.
Link 7:19 a.m. Mar 09, 2023, UTC-5

It's just weird, because I really, really, enjoy both Minecraft speedrunning clip compilations and fantasy books. They are very similar
sources of entertainment in my mind. And mediums are completely different, sure, but the standards are completely different as well. Can you judge a speedrunning clip compilation as a narrative arc of man vs. nature (in the game)? Can you judge a book by as the average quality of a number of individual action moments? Sure, why not.
Link 10:05 p.m. Mar 08, 2023, UTC-5

The prior thought builds on an underlying realization that is perhaps just as profound. Books as a medium are, generally speaking, a lot
"better"; or perhaps, more Literature-y than many other types of media. People argue *a lot* about the quality of books, but on the whole, the worst published children's book imaginable has more themes, more character development, more moral than any meme or Tweet or Youtube video or TikTok clip. But that's not an insult to Youtube videos or Tweets. On the contrary, I think it's weird how arbitrary our criteria for judging stories is, because we don't, universally, judge any other media by the same standards.
Link 9:58 p.m. Mar 08, 2023, UTC-5

Talking about books is just so messy because everyone insists on comparing every book to capital-L Literature. And I think that if we let go
of that, then it would allow books to occupy a space in our society more like that of Youtube videos or social media. At the same time, there's a lot of quality forced into the medium because of people conflating every book with Literature. And maybe if we built an algorithmic feed of stories to maximize engagement, the quality of those stories would decrease.
Link 9:51 p.m. Mar 08, 2023, UTC-5

The problem with clickbait is that if I get clickbaited once, I start assuming everything is clickbait. I have to start ignoring the whole
genre, (assuming that I don't already know who is going to clickbait and who is not). Clickbaiting hurts not only your reputation, but the reputation of the whole category that you're in.
Link 9:43 p.m. Mar 08, 2023, UTC-5

How many days are left in this year?
Link 7:08 p.m. Mar 08, 2023, UTC-5

I am nooone
Link 7:01 p.m. Mar 08, 2023, UTC-5

Happy international women’s day.
Link 6:44 p.m. Mar 08, 2023, UTC-5

I think about “I’ve been geolocated” a lot.
Link 1:33 p.m. Mar 08, 2023, UTC-5

The key is understanding.
Link 12:09 p.m. Mar 08, 2023, UTC-5

I feel like rooms shouldn't have convex corners.
Link 11:21 a.m. Mar 08, 2023, UTC-5

I had my first hard drive failure the other week. It was very exciting. Having grown up in the age of SSDs, I had never had a hard drive
fail on me before.
Link 10:59 a.m. Mar 08, 2023, UTC-5

Good morning internet.
Link 7:08 a.m. Mar 08, 2023, UTC-5

I have so many outstanding projects at any given time it's kind of ridiculous. It feels like I have more outstanding projects than completed
Link 10:24 p.m. Mar 07, 2023, UTC-5

Using eggs with a use-by date of Feb 01. Use-by dates are a scam.
Link 8:59 p.m. Mar 07, 2023, UTC-5

Good morning.
Link 3:29 p.m. Mar 07, 2023, UTC-5

Link 3:29 p.m. Mar 07, 2023, UTC-5

The inversion of everything we don’t know. The downward spiral surrounded on all sides by broken panes of glass in empty window frames.
No one watches but you. This isn’t right. This isn’t my fight. There is no light.
Link 11:00 p.m. Mar 06, 2023, UTC-5

We did lose Gemini support, unfortunately.* It's too hard to maintain two different versions of the same site.
*I say that like there's a reason. We lost Gemini support because I removed it because I didn't want it any more.
Link 10:42 p.m. Mar 06, 2023, UTC-5

What would you pay to not go insane?
A house sits abandoned in a forest surrounded by trees and leaves and by dark things unspeakable. A shadow looming over the left side of the world, stealing, never freeing. Is importune instant impertinent death a murder? Merely because the innocent were killed in cold blood? Outside inside together for warmth and safety of others. Fears and tears.
Link 10:40 p.m. Mar 06, 2023, UTC-5

Web design is hard.
Link 10:35 p.m. Mar 06, 2023, UTC-5

And we're back!
Link 10:34 p.m. Mar 06, 2023, UTC-5